Detecting Biomarkers with Printable Paper Diagnostics
Paper diagnostics can be used for affordable and scalable biomarker detection. We propose new methods for stabilizing cellulose-based immunoassays, leading to a low-cost paper diagnostic assay for the detection of oral disease biomarkers in human saliva.
Why is this work important?
Low-cost detection of biomarkers associated with the majority of diseases is not feasible.
What has been done before?
Paper-based assays have been used to detect biomarkers in human serum or blood. The paper-based detection of biomarkers in saliva has not been extensively studied.
What are our contributions?
We propose methods for stabilizing paper-based immunoassays for robust and low-cost detection of salivary biomarkers. This method is low-cost and can facilitate rapid detection of oral biomarkers. We specifically describe the detection of biomarkers associated with oral diseases, MMP-8 and -9.
What are the next steps?
Assay biomarkers in serum and blood.

Dr. Pratik Shah
Faculty Member
Other Contributors
MIT Chemical Engineering
Emma H. Yee,
Shefali Lathwal,
Dr. Hadley D. Sikes